sábado, 21 de febrero de 2009

Destination to Los Angeles

The Britney’s choreographer Bryan Maldwin visited “Fama a Bailar” last Monday and he proposed to try one of the dancers to go in Los Angeles to do an important choreography with him and learn new stiles of dance.

Rafa Méndez, the one of the teachers at the school, inform about this important item of news to the dancers.

All dancers felt amusing about this and they prepared a funky choreography to win this fortunate place.

At first this place was only for the better dancer in the school, but last, Rafa Méndez decided to choose two dancers, one girl, Raquel, and one boy, Nito.

It’s a really important opportunity for they dancer career.

martes, 3 de febrero de 2009

Batterers still Increase

Only the 33% of women mistreat is on the statistic in Dominican Republic, and the results announced that this year will be more violent than the previous year.

The 20 first days on this year, 13 women had died on her husband, boyfriend or ex lover’s hands.
These men used an accidental technique with his murderers, but in the end the police discover their technique and their mental disorder.
Men’s behavior shows the women’s disdain, and for this type of people, the women is either an adoration object for her figure or is a diabolic person for her betrayals.

The woman isn’t the only worst hit in this situation, also their children suffer different mental disorders in their life, and then, these children can imitate the behavior of their fathers. For this reason, each year there are more batterers and it’s a violation of the human rights, because in this life men and woman should have the same rights.

The devil wears Prada

In this film there are a simple girl, Andrea, who finished her journalism career and she find a good job in a popular magazine in New York.

At first, Andrea wear very simple and, in my opinion and the Amanda’s opinion, her boss, she wears really badly.

For this reason, Amanda talked with Andrea so quickly and with a bad mood. Later, this girl didn’t feel good with herself and she went to her workmate to ask for a council with her wardrobe.

The next day, Andrea go to the office and all of her workmates look at her new clothes.
Her boss, Amanda was surprise and since this moment, the girl becomes her new personal secretary.